I'm down with a killer cold, but still plugging along at work. I have sufficiently reached my people quotient for the day, -however, and must retreat for a few hours to be able to withstand the humanity of tomorrow's downtown festivities. (Who am I kidding? I can barely withstand humanity on a good day without the promise of alcohol at said day's end. I have a framed picture of Daria on my wall. I'm Mr. Freaking Sunshine).
In all seriousness, things are feeling positive. I have no basis for feeling this way, but I guess I am bored with my own cloudiness and need to load some ELO on the iPod and let the chips fall where they may. There are times when one must find the absurdity of it all amusing, lest one never get invited back to parties.
I'm hopeful about the proposed renovations to the studio and feel confident that somehow the capital for this small project will come through. I hope to play with some more video this weekend and later next week. Currently I'm watching a lot of artists video and learning mostly what NOT to do on camera. There are guests coming throughout the month and hopefully we'll have some documented studio visits and impromptu conversations and see if any of it is any good. Not that this question of quality or worth stops most YouTube users, but for me it matters.
Somehow, I will manage to work as well. I'm feeling some big paintings coming on. So that is exciting to me.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween and Dia de los Muertos.