I wandered into the local office supply store yesterday and saw these two beauties laying carelessly against some shelving. Already marked at 50%, for once I thought like the wealthy and asked for more of a discount. The shopkeeper agreed and in the truck they went this afternoon. Axiom # 3; always ask.
I don't know why these two canvases wandered across my path, but I didn't hesitate in purchasing them. I don't really even know what they will be, and I've been working within the confines of what I consider very small painting for some time now so it will feel good to spread out and get back to my whole-body style of painting for a bit.
Nothing is more beautiful to me than a blank canvas. I never feel anything but a sense of possibility, and perhaps -beneath the anxieties and even fear I find myself feeling right now about the future, that sense of broader possibility is really where I'm at. Axiom # 5; you can always change your mind.
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