I got lucky with a foggy, overcast morning and took these paintings outside to shoot. I have a wall in the courtyard set up to quickly hang work. It is indirect light and is probably the best means I have for shooting accurately. If you're keeping score, the final image in this post is one of the first 3 canvases I worked on. I'm re-working all of those first 3.
The direction of the work is indeed unforeseen. I don't claim that it is altogether different from previous work, -I suppose you can still tell it is mine, after all. But there are some interesting things at work for me here. I don't want to go into it, I hate when art is over explained. I feel challenged, and excited and motivated right now, so I'm going with it.
I finally got back on my running schedule, which has helped all parts of my life back into balance. With my daughters about to turn 5, one wonders how I am able to do all I do and maintain a regular studio discipline, but without it I feel everything else would fall apart. My wife if heading into tech week for her final production of the semester, so the nights are mine as of a week from now. That means I kick into summer mode and with the ability to blog live from the studio and instantly upload pics, I hope you will see a great deal of work produced in the coming months. As always, I'll show the process.
The paintings in this post are in various states. But I really feel a cohesion to this fledgling body of work. I look forward to seeing it grow, and seeing how that changes the feeling of it. Remember that you can enlarge any image by clicking on it. All canvases are 24" square.
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