
The second two black paintings are ready to accept the oil paint.  The past few weeks have been madness at the day job, and I feel that particular area of my life is about to undergo radical change.  Every man has his breaking point, where "lucky to have a job" no longer provides the motivation nor holds the power to take what is being dished out.

I heard from an old friend who recently moved from Italy to Germany, and thought of how I grew up -in the military, moving around every few years.  It was a good way to grow up; though at times I hated it, as children (especially adolescents and teenagers) are want to do.  I've never stayed in one place too long until here, and while my life is rich in ways I could have never imagined, I feel the road always calling.  I crave change and the act of stepping into the unknown.

Tomorrow night I'll start hitting it, and by the weekend may even be ready to get down; we'll see.  I gave a studio tour today to a friend whose been asking for months to come, and last week Donna of A Perfect Gray graced the studio for her annual visit.

When I think about the journey of the past 8 months, and see how I took this idea from a dream to these large works, it feels good.  I read a quote a few days ago that has really helped me through a stressful weekend, "before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure you're not surrounded by assholes."  True indeed.  It reminds me that one can always choose; you can always change your mind.  The road might not be easy, in fact it may really suck.  But worthwhile change is worth whatever you go through to get to.  I hope I have the strength to capitalize on the possibilities that are coming my way.

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