march on

Jocasta, oil on canvas, 60" x 48", Rico '13

Notification came from Carolina's Got Art, a large, duel-Carolina juried art exhibition.  I confess I was surprised at the decision (submission above), but ultimately all juried shows intersect an audience at a moment of time and place.  There's no reward in wondering why; it is a judgment and one takes it and moves on.

I finished crating my entry to ArtFields this afternoon.  It's wrapped, boxed and I make the journey to beautiful Lake City on Friday, apparently in the rain.  Though I envisioned a perfect storm, alas I was rebuffed by Charlotte this time.  I will wage another campaign, albeit through another process.

Clearing the studio of work is always a positive experience.  I hung two of the smaller paintings on the big wall and I feel really great about the work going on right now.  I have two canvases in process, one is ready to go the next time I get into the studio.

I lose this week to my wife's tech week for her play, but there are always the stolen moments.

Overall, I feel so fortunate and so focused.  The setback today was unexpected but not substantial.  If everyone liked my work I would have to seriously re-consider what I'm doing.  It shouldn't be easy to like; there should be barriers to it.  I think of Gauguin, "the ugly can be beautiful; the pretty, never."

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