Cy Twombly

Miriam (August's fire); 52" x 52"
oil and oil pastel on canvas; Rico, 2009

Painting is an ongoing conversation. It is the duty of any painter worth their salt to try and take part in that conversation; so put forth something that can further it, expand it or re-direct it. It should come as no surprise that Cy Twombly was an enormous influence on my work; many a night we conversed in the studio. Not literally, of course. I have similar conversations with JMW Turner, or Goya. This makes them no less noteworthy, no less impacting.

We can't paint like our influences. To try is more often than not a disastrous enterprise. But I think we can respond to them. I think at best we can take them down. But Twombly was singular. His work influenced so many and in so many different ways.

I came in and out of Twombly in my work, and to my mind no more obviously so than with "Miriam (August's fire)". The Forest and Sea paintings were very much a result of seeing Twombly's work as well, though they feel less connected in some ways; less derivative.

There's so much that has been said about his work, and said much better than I can say here. He will be missed.

I have just returned from a long journey to Memphis and long to get back into the studio this week.

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