the Decembrist

December.  I've journeyed through the current body of work for this entire year; sometimes with clear vision and often being surprised.  Try as I might, I can't write about it yet, and perhaps that's why it is still interesting.  I have two more modest-sized canvases in the final stages of black surfacing but I find myself wanting to go even larger than the works that flank me in the photo above.

I'm always seeing things differently, and discovering things in the studio.  The one thing I have noticed over the years is that I oscillate between very etherial work and very painterly, visceral work.  Two aspects of self perhaps, or maybe as simple as I get bored with one and want to do the opposite.

I've been able to develop independently here in the middle of nowhere; had I been living for the last decade in Seattle, or Memphis or New York, I don't know that I would have reached the same conclusions as I have in this studio.  The sheer size of my studio here is unique and wonderful for someone at my career level.

I feel utterly rejected here in SC, and this is a source of much frustration.  And while I get acclaim from my peers on both coasts, that hasn't translated into representation or shows.  I don't want just an art dealer, I want a true believer.  Maybe that's too much to ask in this economy, or even in the current state of affairs of Art and it's relationship to money.

I foresee myself continuing to do this work through the next year, though it will undoubtably change.  I'm looking forward to the semester break and hoping for the unseasonably warm temperatures to continue.

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