
I like not knowing what's going to happen.  You could say I thrive on uncertainty because that tension really energizes me in the studio.  The painting I am doing now has a quality of anxiety in a sublime sense of the word.  Not so much dread as uncertainty and looming transformation.  I saw Wim Wender's "Pina" the other night and felt so connected to her work because it really seemed to stem from a similar place as what is going on in my studio right now.  It feels as if the world is going mad, and yesterday when I got home there was a week-old NY Times opened to the arts section and I saw the most magnificent Matisse paintings and I felt, just for a moment, that the world is not fucked up and evil and twisted; it's just a little skewed and off course, and we need to focus on beauty and magnificence and perhaps begin to look at the unknown more as an encounter with the Divine and less as a menacing force of destruction and doom.

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